You have three choices to review for the final.
1) Work on your study guide from math class.
2) You can work with me doing review problems.
3) You can play THESE review games on the computer.
Converting Customary Units--Do at least 10 AND show your work in your notebook.
Order of Operations Rags to Riches--If you win 1,000,000, let me see your screen, and you can add your name to the Millionaire's Club! Show your work in your notebook.
Make a Box-and-Whisker Plot--Make one graph. Record the median, lower and upper quartiles, and lower and upper extremes in your notebook.
Late Delivery Expressions--Show your work in your notebook.
Equivalent Fractions Rags-to-Riches--Show your work in your notebook.
Simplest Form Rags-to-Riches--Show your work in your notebook.
Adding an Subtracting Decimals Rags to Riches--Show your work in your notebook.
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals Jeopardy--Show your work in your notebook.