Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6th Grade Decimal Games

1)  Play BOTH LEVELS of the game Battleship Numberline.  You must click the DECIMAL VERSION.  Record your accuracy on you paper.

2)  Play Beat the Clock.  Play both levels.  Record your score on your paper.

3)  Play Place Value Pirates.  Record your score on your paper.

4)  Play Ordering Decimals.  Check off the game on your paper when you've finished.

5)  Go back and play any of the four games again.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

6th Grade Expressions Practice

Play ALL 3 LEVELS of the game, Late Delivery. Evaluate each expression on a white board. If you are playing with a partner, each person needs to evaluate each expression.  Then compare answers. Raise your hand at the end of each level so I can check your score.  When you have been checked on all three levels, and have passed with a score of 4 or better, you may move on to the next game.

Play the game PAC ALGEBRA.  Choose the level called, "Substitution".  If you are sharing a computer, alternate lives with your partner. You may do the problems mentally, or use your whiteboard.